Columns Methods

01. column Method

You can use this method to start creating a new column.

you can pass db_column_name or whatever name you need to the column method, if you pass the db_column_name it will return the data of that column.

you can also access the nested data using . for example column("name.en")


$datatabl->column("created_at", function ($row) {
    return $row->created_at->diffForHumans();
// render column if condition true
$datatable->column(function() {
    if (true) {
        return "status";

02. sortable Method

You can use this method to make column is sortable.

this method accepts one boolean argument by default it's true.


03. searchable Method

You can use this method to make column is searchable.

this method accepts one boolean argument by default it's true.


04. exportable Method

This method must be used to make the column visible while the page is being printed and in export files.

this method accepts one boolean argument by default it's true.


05. date Method

You can use this method to make date columns more readable default is human format Optionally you can pass any format to date method.

$datatable->column("date")->date("YYYY-MM-DD", "Invalid Date");

06. image Method

You can use this method to show column in html img tag.

the image src will be the value of the db_column.

you can pass any value to this method and that value will be applied before the value of the db_column.


07. href Method

if you want to access any field value just write that field between two columns || |created_at|

you can use this method to set href to the column.

$datatable->column("image")->href("|id|/||", '_blank');

08. actions Method

if you want to access any field value just write that field between two columns || |created_at|

You can use this method to create clone, edit and delete actions buttons, and you can optionally pass the given column label to the method the default label will be set from the column name.


09. checkall Method

You can use this method to enable all rows to be selected for deletion at once, and you can optionally pass the given column label to the method the default label will be set from the column name.


10. jsToHtml and jsToHref Methods

you can use these methods to execute any javascript code.

by default it will return the whole code you wrote in it , if you want to return specfic data you will need to write return before it.

in these methods if field you are going to write between two columns || is not number then you must enclose it in double quotes "|created_at|"

            |status| == 1
                ? '<span class="badge bg-success"> Active </span>'
                : '<span class="badge bg-danger"> InActive </span>'

// add column html with condition
            let deleted_at = "|deleted_at|";
            // you can write any JS code here
            return deleted_at
                ? false
                : '|id|'
